- GOLDEN RULE: Treat others as you would like to be treated - with kindness and respect.
- Your own supply kit and binder for class must be taken home and brought back to class each week.
- Students are dismissed when table areas are cleaned up as they found them.
- You may have water during class, but kindly reserve snacks for before and after class (no trash left behind)
- Even before or after class, please be courteous to with no running, rough-housing or voices on high volume.
- Students on break between classes are responsible for making sure they independently return in time for their next class to begin. Keep an eye on the clock, or use watches/phones to set helpful alarms for students as a reminder if needed.
- Phones and other electronics must be silenced and put away during class time.
- Mind your words. Mean-spirited, insulting, rude, aggressive, bullying, and foul behavior or language has no place in our family friendly environment.
- Mind your space. Physical aggression towards others will not be tolerated.
- Give your best effort and have a positive attitude - Mrs. Ani will do the same
- Students must stay within the property until picked up by a guardian.
- Look out for one another. If you see something unsafe, report it to your teacher.
Pathfinders in Glendora has its own policies - refer to the parent handbook when you register.
Please note that at E.I.E., Mrs. Ani remains in the classroom between classes and is not directly supervising children as they mingle in the halls, isles, or play areas. If your student cannot follow these guidelines independently before or after class waiting for pick-up, or during breaks between classes, please plan to walk them in & out of the classroom, or remain on campus to supervise.
To ensure the safety and comfort of all, students found to be violating these guidelines may be asked to stay in the classroom with the teacher even between classes. Or for more serious or persistent problems that impact others, the student’s enrollment may be discontinued.
We are a homeschool community. As you might expect, We Spark Learning does not have a school infrastructure with layers of administrators and complex disciplinary codes and procedures to resolve every problem that could come up with students. What we have are Moms, Dads, loving guardians and students that are brought together with the teacher to resolve the rare sticky situation that comes our way. E.I.E., Pathfinders, and We Spark Learning are united in their goal to inspire and lift children up in a positive environment of community and learning. Thank you for entrusting your student(s) with us.